Saturday, May 31, 2008
Old friends..
Ytd, went cathay with yufan and rachel to catch 'Indiana Jones'!didnt watch any of the previous three episodes..haha..and as usual i noe nuts abt the compared to the
pro yufan.
Harrison Ford..he look so 'man'haha
Although i kinda slept halfway through the movie, i do have lots of opinions on this!
some parts are kinda of unrealistic.I'm sure its gonna received quite a lot of criticism being the 4th episode!
Things I Learnt After Wathing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom....1.Alien skulls and skeletons are made of magnetized crystal .
2.The faster way to chase a car is by swinging from the branches of trees.
3.There is a place to live in /a universe known as space between space.
4.To test a nuclear blast, the US army must set a town so detailed that every house will have fake models watching TVs, fridges full of foods, cars, residents doing gardening,decorations..etc.
5. A fridge is made of lead, so that one can hide in there to avoid nuclear exposure and be saved from a nuclear blast.
6. Hamsters can survived a nuclear blast and monkeys survived after being thrown off the cliff.
7.The huge waterfalls has absolutely no's like a roller coaster.full of excitment.3times in a row.and none seems to be injured.
8.I can survive in a fridge that is being thrown up high into the air and crashed into the hard grd with the acceleration of gravity.
with perfect conciousness....9.The1950s are pretty mordernised.
theres lots of such scenes...waiting for u to discover...hahaperhaps these are so called the 'X' factors that are added just for laughs...make it seem like a cartoon haha...however looking at another point of view,it's a 'fantasy' and 'adventurous' movie..think the animations and thrills are nicely done..but in terms of the plot it didnt really live up to my anticipation..its just what i expected haha...
bad guys chasing the good guys..the good guys eventually survived and the bad guys were killed.I do want a happy ending.but there should be at least sparks and surprises in between to make it a better one..
to all it's still pretty fine as a weekend blockbuster to kill time...and it's still a classic.jones never seem to be 'old' ...impressed by his kicks and punches...
perhaps a
3 out of 5.I've seem movies which are way worst!haha.
as one who have only watch the 4thepisode,it's
not to the extend that u classified it as bad..yufan gonna choose yr course wisely!jus take our opinions as considerations.its k if u still wanna go with it. we will go for kbox soon...
=)and grandpa is 87 today.happy birthday!
Posted by quesvilla at 5:19 PM
Classic rock of the 80s..
A marvellous piece of rock.. pls!
every breath u take.every move u make.every bond u break.every step u take.I'll be watching you...
I'm addicted to this song man after hearing it for the first lingers in my mind and gets into my nerve...
The Police rocking their way!...
P.S...thanks flor for teaching me the way to add a video!haha...and did so patiently.thanks.
Posted by quesvilla at 4:00 AM
Friday, May 30, 2008
flor's off to germany..

last photo taken before flor left.we were in a toilet at T3.the most spacious one I've seen so far!
front:flor back:zincThis was what i wanted to blog earlier.before i was overwhelmed by my driving thingy!..It was abt 0300 aft parting with and zinc went to catch some sleep at tcc's sofa.haha.This was my first time to tcc at T3(zinc's wkplace).They have cooling sofas similar to those at NewYork NewYork...^^

I was pretty surprised to see several sofas being occupied by those wking night shift in T3.(they dont even have a proper place to rest in.).. only had a short nap cos my feets were shivering in cold.same goes to zinc.haha.
took the first bus back to our sweet homes. =)
Oh my..and at last..finally got my blogskin,tagboard and music.
it sld be pretty 'chicken feet' for ya all ah. IT- savvys!but...I took more than a day to figure out the formatting and htmls!...had a valuable lesson on computing today..know how it works now.yeah.
Posted by quesvilla at 3:30 AM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
pissed with.myself.
shucks.i forgotten that i've got driving today!i forgot to cancel it.oh my gosh..i wasted my money.oh my.cant believe that i actually forget..wahh.shucks.
i slept immediately after reaching home at 7am.woke up only at 1pm.jus realised that i've made booking for driving ..whao how stupid can i get.i'm gonna feel really bad for a few hours....its overwhelming.not gonna tell dad abt it.ahh y!the instructer waited for two hours?!?!..damn.
Posted by quesvilla at 2:39 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Having real fun the whole day!

woke up at 7am today? reach centre at 930am for the snowcity outing..its pretty fun chatting with kids along the way...
the way they speak really makes me laugh!I had to speak like 'a kid' to communicate with them- so that we are of the same 'frequency' -haha.
the mrt ride was abt 1hr?..
i hate to travel far makes me feel lethargic.almost wanted to close my eyes conveniently...
its gonna be an even longer trip if im gg to ntu! why are unis situated in the west? one in the east pls!..long distance rides really freaks me..cant tahan it..
hey..this is like my first time to snow city?..
i feel like some 'sua gu'...theres a large number of kids who actually been there more then once.these kids are really fortunate man..
i was having so much fun in there.although it was freezing cold and my mucus was didnt really matter ")
gg for the 'snow slide' was the
i tried the lying down posture down the 'snow hill' was simply 'shoik'..heard from the p5s that there was actually other ways to do the slide??lol..i gonna try them on my next trip!hopefully from the sponsorship of 'the person' who says that she can get in free of charge!
jus kidding...will pay for myself if im gg again...
played 'ice breaker' for awhile with the gals when we got back to the centre ")..i rushed off as the church van gave me and cx a lift, back to the mrt!..saved a bus ride^^.
ha and thats not the end of the day..when to chill out at mindcafe's ladies night with my fellow cool friends..its really fun playing the coolest ever boardgames.more impt with my grp of cool buddies..its jus wont be enjoyable without them.
i was practically laughing my lungs out while playing..i was so 'high'..
the games were interactive,foods were delicious and my buddies were funky!
thats wat it takes for a cool outing :>it was almost 2300..that we actually started packing upI'm so gonna come here againLOoking forward for the next centre outing(which is likely to be the amazing raze)
flor is leaving for germany on thurs morning at abt gonna catch the last few bus of 36 to the airport which wld be close to midnight and set a camp at T3 with yuans till theres bus ard 6 in the morning ")..all the best flor..hopefully u wont get to meet too many weirdos and troubles there!..all the best! come online regularly!
Posted by quesvilla at 2:54 AM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
COnfused by myself..
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never come a time when we fail to protest. (Elie Wiesel)
Brain:whassup hearty?have u made a decision? sorry.i have kinda confused?
Brain:come on stop crapping..theres not much time left..
Heart:Ahh brainy..what do u want me to say?it's a tough one.i cant make up my mind?
Brain:Hey since when have u became so indecisive?
There seems to be some communication breakdown between my B and H..they cant reach a verdict...
Course:AccountancyUni:??I'm responsible for my future..gonna choose my uni wisely.
I tend to blog only when I'm feeing kinda moody or emo..this is bad ah?
anyways hang out with simar at parkway today.I have not seen her since the release of 'A"lvl results?haha..
We chatted non- stop for abt 5hrs!while shopping for cool clothes and accessories..
I bought bangles and rings from Diva's sale.yea..(finally i got sth for myself!)didnt really dare to spend much though.I saw elegant dresses from dorothy,esprit and many more!...
i controlled myself really well and didnt get any of them..cos they are really EX..
We took photos with the sunglasses in looks pretty funny!haha.

Speaking about gg into uni, im actually pretty excited to get back to sch..its time to start my
rusty engine.haha..but the courses are really expensive even after it is seeing 5digits in my sch fee per semester.hopefully it wont be that much of a financial burden for my parents...
Posted by quesvilla at 1:23 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Feeling better...
Had been suffering from migraine since last Friday. It's the worst one I've ever experience in my whole life. It's a periodical numb coming from my left brain. I've been lying on my bed most of the time today. I dreamt about my aunt and stuff...felt as if I would jus leave anytime. Perhaps I'm just thinking too much but the pain was really is jus so fragile..
I felt esp. so when I've since this shocking news a few days ago..
On the afternoon of May 12, 2008, an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale hit Sichuan Province, a mountainous region in Western China. By the next day, the death toll stood at 12,000, with another 18,000 still missing. Over 15 million people live in the affected area, including almost 4 million in the city of Chengdu. Nearly 2,000 of the dead were students and teachers caught in schools that collapsed.
Since the Tangshan earthquake in 1976, which killed over 240,000 people, China has required that new structures withstand major quakes. But the collapse of schools, hospitals and factories in several different areas around Sichuan may raise questions about how rigorously such codes have been enforced during China’s recent, epic building boom.Extracted from NYTimes.

I'm feeling slightly better now..had my dinner at ecp's coffee bean with my mum..
haiz..didnt get to shop with mum at sad..I've jus received a really saddening sms.I felt pretty agitated and almost speechless.utterly disappointed.wats up with people?felt so disgraceful for the person.she's supposed to be a respectful leader!yet...
Ho.I almost forgotten to mention about the lunatic that I meet along plaza sing last sun.He was shouting 'what the f***' repeatedly at some random people along the streets right behind me.I was so and I moved to a corner as we were obstructing his way.He continued scolding the F word along the way.I think he's seriously possessed by some evil spirit...~~
k I'm tired.hope i will recover asap n good luck for my final theory test tmr...cheers
Posted by quesvilla at 12:17 AM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
wats now?
woo haven been blogging for a long time.I've been really tired lately,almost forgotten the existence of my blog! and fro for my driving lessons,work at studentcare and whole body starts to ache pretty often n sometimes it get pretty unbearable.
So I've made a decision late week, officially ending my sc wk tmr and only gg back during the school holis to help out with the outings.")
I will prob miss the noises of the kids and remember the names and faces of all.haha.the aunties n the colleagues.thanks for all who have helped me in one way or another during this period of time ").
I've really learnt alot from the teachers and children at the studentcare. (in many ways). dealing with children 是一门很深奥的学问.really 一种米能养百种人, everyone has their unique character. gonna deal with each individuals differently.
try to listen and understand them more often.
so finally I'm getting a well deserved break for myself.prob hang out more often in the library,my aunt's gym and my sweet home. I will get to catch a more decent sleep daily which i have been simply deprived of for this few months. ...gonna 养精蓄锐 before chiong ing into uni! I'm really excited to get back school!
HAve to sleep now!...
Posted by quesvilla at 3:23 PM