Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday bluess
did one pg of data in two hrs?how is it possible to do so little?its easy...jus have to close yr eyes..
i could have jolly well done at abt 2pgs in one hrs but obviously i didnt...i tried to slp early..but but hrm i tend to stroll ard the hse, watch some tv with my mum before i finally get on my bed...perhaps i jus didnt want the next day to arrived so fast....
At 430pm, boss came to my table n say '我明天不会来...'...woo i was damn happy at that moment...but this 'shoik'ness didnt last long...apparently 我高兴的太早了...she passed me two big piles of wk saying...'这些明天拿去做'..haha...the work she gave me earlier was 15pgs long...if i were to be super hardwking...i will prob finish half of it the most..so it's seriously unlikely i will even touch the new pile of stuff...if only i can be a 'superwoman' like 曹格.
hrm maybe it's jus myself la...i get v grumpy abt all this...woo at least tmr my mp3 is officially in use... :) today i scribbled wonderfullly on my datas...(the results of 'sleepwriting') haha...curvy wavy liness drawn unknowingly...
k today my neighbour at wk is gg off to her hometown! haha...India...bye priya!!...i will have to bear with the loneliness at my seat again...but i should be finee.haha
thanks cui for intro ing me chinese tuition lobang...will try n do my best...the money doesnt matter that that much actually...great experience...although the money is definitely a great incentive....
Posted by quesvilla at 5:03 PM
new year pasar malam... not chinatown but eunos...;)
went pasar malam ytd with mummy aft feeling so so bored at home...the atmosphere was pretty high n crowded...there was actually a 歌台going on.(its not only during the ghost festival!)..Ah Nan was actually hosting the pfm..he hasnt appear on tv for a pretty long ever since his drug scandal..
there was a big 财神爷 statue over there...my mummy was busy catching those glittering papers that are dropping...(like a 3 year old kid ah?) haha...i suppose she desparately wanted the 财 to come...haha...
she saw some aunties picking pieces of paper with 4 numbers from the floor...and being such a kiasu mum...she followed them...the first piece she picked was '0404'..
she said 'this kind of number wont come out one la'...i was so embarrassed...ppl ard us were starring at her ..
so she went on picking.. '40 64' was next...she asked me to rmb it for her...obviously she buying it for 4D!haha...
i was actually imagining a scenario...so how will she react if the 头奖是0404...she will probably knock against the wall..
there was once i rmbed...2040 was coincidentally on her t-shirt n it came out for first prize,she moaned for more than a week..typically her...
had a yummy supper there...but i noe i noe they are all junk food haha...im eating pretty a lot this holidays haha...as cny is approaching...i warning myself now to stop eating like a pig...if not all my relatives will probably say..'aiyo ah hui 你好像又胖了啊!'...i wont wan that to happen haha...
anyway may go chinatown if buddies are gg...cx wans to go...me too...anyone interested??!
Posted by quesvilla at 12:35 AM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
the ohmyplease blog..coming...
thanks for yanyee...go around finding blogskin for our idea of group blog today..thanks for the efficency...u make it possible...hey flor!...u go sleep for what...wake up! lol...hey give comment on the cookie monster skin!i think its pretty cool...;) YAWNS time to zzzz...hope i will update my blog real soon..
Labels: jiahui 1.55am 270108.
Posted by quesvilla at 5:55 PM
for CRISPY PRAWN n 爸 birthday.
prawn,yee pig,big eye n floor...we had a cool chill out at marina square earlier..to be honest im not someone who likes to go gatherings.i often enjoy staying at home or go gaigai with parents during the weekends ..but going out with my cool choirmates are really different..feel so happy and cheered despite feeling v v tired aft weeks of wk..which is draining me off n making me feeling so feeble.;(
had our dinner at 御宝拉面 its pretty nice i mus say...sumptuous dinner.thanks for big eye's intro.went on for some window shopping and laughs all the way for our diff taste for accessories..'this look so stupid','this where got in!''u must be crazy to like this!'...
越夜越疯狂..maybe not for all..but definitely me..i started to feel v hyper n 'mad' after eating dinner...n this stupid prawn... keep thinking we are going to play hide and side with her when i walked away?!...haha...(in fact we wanted to find a corner to finish up a cool card for her)...i really burst into laughter as prawn pull me back.stopping me from finding a'hiding place'..
we were having great fun taking photos...courtesy of big eye's camera..(its always her who brings it :))lol..i tried v hard to poss for photos but i really cmi pls...but it was real fun...planning to take more photos the next time.
went on to share a hokkiado ice cream with prawn...so yummy but the cone is soso not nice..taste jus like plastic.prefer scoopz or gelato at parkway..
today's dad's birthday too..went to buy a slice of cake at 'changing appetite' for dad...happy birthday dad!祝你越长越帅,越神气,不要一直大喊大叫对身体不好,对我的耳朵更是噪音。哈哈。希望你长命百岁,身体健康我就心满意足了,爸")明天会和你和妈一起‘寻找美食’cool!...but dad stop giving me more n more food...yr daughter is gonna explode...at least i need to look nice with new year clothes!lol..
Labels: jiahui 1.07am 270108.
Posted by quesvilla at 5:07 PM